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Food & Beverage, nitrogen dosing, pressurized bottles or cans, drop of liquid nitrogen, thinner packagins, high purity bottling, reduce oxygen content
Food freezing, cryogenic freezing tunnel, cryogenic temperatures, freeze tunnel, spiral freezers, gaseous liquid nitrogen, preserving food, cryogenic nitrogen
nitrogen dosing, beverage industry, pressurized bottles or cans, drop of liquid nitrogen, thinner packaging, bottling, high purity, bottling lines

Food & Beverage


In the Food & Beverage industry there main cryogenic application is Nitrogen Dosing for the beverage industry.

Nitrogen Dosing
Water, softdrink and juice packaging worldwide has shifted from heavy glass towards ultra light plastic bottles, cardboard packages and aluminum cans. This requires drastic measures to prevent the packages from collapsing during transport when packed trays are placed on top of each other. Their incoherent fragile structure can easily be made stronger by gently pressurizing the bottles/cans.

The perfect way to pressurize is by adding a drop of liquid nitrogen in the package. The rapidly evaporating liquid nitrogen will remove the oxygen from the package. Immediately afterwards, before all liquid nitrogen has evaporated, the package is closed. The remaining and still evaporating liquid nitrogen pressurizes the package. The thin package thus becomes a very strong structure resisting impacts and loads.

By applying this dosing technology the beverage industry has been able to save a huge amount of expenditures on packaging by making the packaging thinner. A positive side effect of nitrogen dosing is that removing the oxygen from the bottle/can also improves the shelve time and enhances the quality of the product.

Bottling with dosing requires an uninterrupted supply of liquid nitrogen. Not having liquid nitrogen available means interruption of production with possibly long start-up times.

Stirling cooperates with leading OEM manufacturers of liquid dosing systems that are capable of injecting the liquid nitrogen drops into the packages at high speed.

The liquid nitrogen plant will be integrated into the fully automatic dosing system from the manufacturers’ plant.

Food Freezing
Fresh Food is being frozen to cryogenic temperatures in order to preserve the quality as if it remains fresh. The texture, flavour and fragrance of the food is maintained.

There are two main technologies to freeze food: Freeze tunnels and Spiral freezers. To quickly freeze the food (as a whole or cut or sliced parts), it is handled on mesh transportation belts whilst liquid nitrogen is dispersed and blown via fans under pressure in the tunnel/spiral. The liquid nitrogen becomes gaseous almost instantly and is easy to handle.


Liquid nitrogen production systems


Food & Beverage

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